Booking & Enquiries

Book by phone 

If phoning from within New Zealand you can free phone us on 0800 732 579 or 0800 SEAL SWIM from any phone including mobile phones and public pay phones. If calling from outside of New Zealand please phone +64 3 319 6182. Please be mindful of the time difference between New Zealand and the country that you are calling from!

Book now using our 'Real Time Reservation System'

With this system you can check tour times, availability and book and pay online now using your credit card. If your prefered date isn't showing any availability then please email us or use the enquiry form below to double check availability. 

If you book and pay using this method and then you need to cancel the tour, or if the tour is cancelled due to weather etc a refund will be made directly to your credit card. If you cancel your tour you will need to do so at least 24 hours in advance to ensure a full refund.


Make an Enquiry

To make an enquiry simply fill in the details in the enquiry form below or email us at